What have you done lately?

Posted on Mar 31, 2009 by e-bro

Has it been about 49 years since you wrote or updated your resume? This is a common fear I am hearing somewhat frequently, especially in this so called "economy" where you want to be sure you cram all of the amazing things you have done and know how to do  into a few measly bullet points. How are they going to know how awesome you are?! Why don't they call me for an interview already!? What font should I use!? All of these fears are valid. I don't have a suggestion for some kind of magic class you can take where they will teach you all of these things but I do have some thoughts to help you out. One of them I outlined here
Another thought is to get together a group of both employed and job-free friends for a resume review. Start by making your resume like 5 pages long. Just dump everything in there that you can think of. Then you can narrow it down and tailor it to fit the details of certain jobs. Once you have your friends gathered you can have them review your pared down, final one-page resume. I have always heard that it's best for everything to fit on one page. Does anyone know if this is still the case? Are there instances when it is not? Anyway, I think it's best to rely on your friend family to give you input, assuming your friends are smart and honest. Have your other jobless friends bring theirs so that by the end of the night everyone is sort of drunk on Chuck Shaw and has a solid starting point from which to land the job of their dreams. Rad, right?

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