So, everyone knows that newspapers are doing really badly. And everyone also knows that there is A LOT of news happening out there in the world. I don't condone ignoring everything in an effort to be less confused, but perhaps we can all just get a bit more conscious of what we are eye-gesting and where it comes from. I will never give up my Sunday New York Times (crossword puzzle and T) but perhaps I don't need to get the paper every day. It clogs my recycle bin and despite all of the free time I have to read it front to back, it's not responsible so lucky me, the internet is like a frat party for news. You can talk to the really smart girl who's not as attractive or the cheap girl with a nice rack. This analogy really makes no sense, but I am going with it. Anyway, organizing internet bookmarks into folders that you can then focus on during certain parts of your day will help you avoid wasting 3 hours reading some asinine crap. For example, in the morning, read news. In the afternoon, visit job sites (seriously, look at all of those internships). At night, read "entertaining" blogs while you're watching crap tv   (seriously, Tyra's bat crap crazy). If you are lacking excellent online reading material, ask friends what blogs read. 
I finally fixed the comment function, so if you could please tell me what websites you read, I would appreciate it. I have a lot of time to kill. But not this much

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