Getting springy with it.

Posted on Mar 27, 2009 by e-bro

I'm sorry for the stupid Will Smith reference, I really am. However, it's hella sunny and you don't have a job. I say this is a perfect opportunity to ignore all of my aforementioned advice for responsibility and keeping busy in favor of a more flippant form of amazing fun times. Where is the nearest park? What is your favorite six pack? Do you like champagne? Are your friends able to call in sick? Do you have a bike? Are you reading a good book? Can your other unemployed friends join you? Do you have a watering hole like this one nearby? If so, please ignore Craigslist and Linked in today. Please don't even look at your bank account, budget, resume, list of chores or even your gym membership. Just go outside and chill out. However, if none of your friends can ditch their jobs today, maybe wait to open the six pack until later so you're not 109 sheets to the wind by the time they get off work. Nah mean?

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